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MININET: Network Emulator for SDN
Mininet introduction (3:32)
Mininet topologies (2:18)
Mininet installation (5:41)
Mininet development tools (2:18)
Mininet VM setup (2:04)
Mininet software introduction (2:36)
Importing Virtual disk image (5:19)
Creating a new machine (3:31)
Running a Mininet machine (5:50)
Mininet commands in virtual box (5:01)
Mininet commands part 2 (4:57)
Mininet commands 3 (5:31)
Miniedit simple network (3:27)
Creating custom network topology (4:49)
Miniedit preferences (3:53)
OVS configuration (6:11)
Opening wireshark in miniedit (8:01)
Wireshark in miniedit (9:12)
Capturing packets from wireshark (10:27)
Teach online with
Mininet VM setup
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