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Basic Electronics (For Students)
Basic Electronics
Ch1 Theory of electronics (12:49)
Ch2. AC circuits and resistors (9:33)
Ch3 Capacitors (9:28)
Ch4 Inductors and power in ac circuits (19:19)
Ch5 Basic electronic circuit components 1 (14:35)
Ch6 Basic electronic circuit components2.mp4 (10:35)
Ch7 Basic electronic circuit components3 (15:35)
Ch8 Semiconductors1 (6:49)
Ch9 Semiconductors2 (11:33)
Ch10 Semiconductors3 (7:14)
Ch11 Optoelectronics1 (8:02)
Ch12 Optoelectronics2 (4:09)
Ch13 Sensors1 (7:13)
Ch14 Sensors2 (3:10)
Ch15 Op amp1 (4:14)
Ch16 Op amps2 (10:56)
Ch17 RF filters (5:25)
Ch18 Oscillators and timers (7:40)
Ch19 LC and crystal oscillators (5:33)
Ch20 Voltage regulators (3:59)
Ch21 Power supplies (6:47)
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Ch8 Semiconductors1
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