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5G Charging and CDR
5G Charging and CDR
1. 5G telecom & charging management (6:35)
2. Other functionalities (3:21)
3. Error handling (1:35)
4. Charging specifications structured (4:44)
5. Charging mechanisms (3:04)
6. High level common architecture (2:33)
7. Offline charging functions part 1 (3:32)
8. Offline charging functions part 2 (3:35)
9. Online charging architecture (2:01)
10. Online charging functions (4:14)
11. Converged carging functions (1:31)
12. Offline charging reference points (2:08)
13. Online charging reference points (1:57)
14. Architecture mapping (3:33)
15. Charging pirnciples (3:38)
16. Charging data transfer in offline charging (2:24)
17. Charging data transfer in online charging (1:54)
18. Charging data correlation (3:29)
19. Charging determination in IMS (3:00)
1. Charging data record (8:53)
2. File transport & protocols (2:32)
3. File transfer modes & session management (4:52)
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3. File transfer modes & session management
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