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Optical Networking
Optical Networking
Optical network intro
Optical network overview (9:47)
Optical technology drivers (10:52)
Optical Transport Network (10:06)
OTN Hierarichical Structure (12:53)
Optical Transport Section (9:29)
Add Drop configuration (9:08)
Optical Amplifier (14:06)
OTN Frame Structure (17:37)
OPU Overhead Prcoessing (16:56)
OPU Mapping (11:50)
ODU Overhead Processing (15:14)
ODU Path Monitoring (10:45)
ODU OverHead TCM (12:47)
OTU OverHead (15:47)
ODU Multiplexing (8:53)
OTN Elements Testing (11:18)
Optical fiber (12:48)
Wavelength divison multiplexing (9:30)
WDM System (8:50)
DWDM (10:23)
DWDM Networks (13:43)
Management of optical nw
IP Over WDM (8:51)
Bubble switch (7:36)
Liquid crystal switch (6:29)
Optical packet switching (9:29)
Optical switching (9:27)
Optical switch (9:04)
Switch types (9:05)
Teach online with
Liquid crystal switch
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