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Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer
Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer
1. Google cloud Platform interface (2:15)
2. How GCP organizes Projects & accounts (4:55)
3. Creating project in GCP (7:17)
4. GCP Billing (6:03)
5. How to enable API in GCP (2:25)
6. Compute engine in GCP (6:41)
7. VM's in project (3:25)
8. Users priviledges to create VM instances (6:33)
9. Preemptible VM's (3:27)
10. Custom machine type (4:13)
11. Application engine in GCP (5:44)
12. Kubernetes engine introduction (4:56)
13.Kubernetes engine in GCP (3:26)
14. Cloud functions (2:24)
15. Creating a VM (5:49)
16. VM configuration details (8:15)
17. Basic VM management (9:46)
18. Monitoring a VM (2:02)
19. Guidelines for planning VM (1:51)
20. Attaching GPU to an instance (4:27)
21. Snapshots and images (4:37)
22. Kubernetes engine (8:35)
23. Creating kubernetes cluster (6:48)
24. Connecting cluster (2:07)
25. Monitoring kubernetes part 1 (2:02)
26. Monitoring kubernetes part 2 (5:09)
27. Monitoring kubernetes part 3 (2:32)
28. Managing pods (4:33)
29. Services in kubernetes (1:57)
30. Container Registry (1:50)
31. Computing with App engine (4:35)
32. Computing with cloud functions (4:23)
33.Planning storage in the cloud (7:46)
34. Creating a bucket (3:10)
35. Bucket settings (4:51)
36. Configuring Cloud SQL (8:37)
37. Configuring Postgre SQL (1:31)
38. Configuring cloud spanner (2:37)
39. Configuring Big query (2:51)
40. Configuring Datastore (4:05)
41. Configuring Cloud firestore (2:29)
42. Configuring Bigtable (2:03)
43. Guidelines for choosing storage solution (2:15)
44. Configuring Cloud dataproc (4:11)
45. Configuring filestore (4:19)
46. Configuring cloud pub sub (3:15)
47. Loading data into storage (3:11)
48. Importing & Exporting data- cloud SQL (6:35)
49. SQL connection with VM (1:55)
50. Networking in the cloud (6:06)
51. Network services (3:25)
52. Stackdriver in GCP (2:13)
53. Confiuring IAM (3:24)
54.GCP tools (4:10)
1. GCP introduction (7:47)
2. GCP services (4:02)
3. Storage components of GCP part 1 (4:27)
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1. GCP introduction
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