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3GPP LPWA Standards: LTE-M, NB-IoT & EC-GSM
LPWA Technologies
NB-IOT basics (2:57)
NB-IOT transmission schemes (2:44)
NB-IOT deployment options (4:41)
Narrow band IOT introduction (1:58)
NB IOT channels (5:12)
NBIOT data architecture (4:44)
NBIOT deployment bands (1:26)
NBIOT feature deployment (5:00)
NBIOT use cases (1:47)
Deployment modes (2:31)
3GPP standards for NB-IOT (1:30)
Resource mapping (3:39)
NBIOT performance (2:48)
NB-IOT key features (2:15)
LTE-M introduction (4:03)
LTE-M objectives (4:24)
Optimizations of core networks (2:03)
LTE-M Deployment bands (1:18)
LTE-M data architecture (3:59)
EC-GSM introduction (1:54)
EC-GSM IOT features (2:14)
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NB-IOT basics
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