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AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate
Chapter 1 : Log in to AWS Management Console
AWS certification (3:51)
AWS introduction (4:40)
Sign in to AWS management console (5:46)
AWS computer (11:17)
AWS Storage (7:18)
AWS database (6:21)
AWS network and content delivery (4:02)
AWS migration (5:27)
AWS developer tools (8:09)
AWS management tools (10:14)
AWS security identity compliance (11:01)
AWS analytics (7:59)
Amazon polly (1:36)
AWS IOT (2:47)
AWS contact center (2:07)
AWS game development (3:41)
AWS mobile services (7:37)
AWS application services (4:03)
AWS messaging (3:33)
AWS business productivity (3:22)
AWS desktop and app streaming (2:42)
Chapter 2 : AWS compute
Amazon Computer (6:40)
AWS instance part 1 (11:17)
AWS instance part 2 (5:52)
How to open an instance (5:03)
AWS instance part 3 (3:40)
How to launch instance (5:03)
Amazon EC2 instance (4:02)
How to connect to an instance (4:38)
Amazon EC2 features part 1 (3:21)
Amazon Ec2 features part 2 (4:23)
Amazon EC2 features part 3 (4:58)
Uses benefits of EC2 (8:07)
EC2 container service (4:33)
Elastic beanstalk (4:32)
lambda and batch (5:28)
Lightsail (3:23)
Chapter 3 : AWS Storage
Amazon Glacier part 1 (3:47)
Amazon Glacier data retrieval (5:05)
AWS storage (4:15)
Amazon EBS part 1 (6:23)
Amazon Glacier data security (4:49)
To make an object public (3:34)
Elastic block store part 2 (6:38)
AWS storage gateway (6:53)
Amazon Glacier key features (5:54)
Amazon S3 storage (4:10)
Amazon EFS part 1 (3:35)
AWS storage management part 1 (5:22)
To create Amazon S3 bucket (3:35)
AWS EFS part 2 (6:01)
Amazon S3 storage mgt part 2 (8:32)
To enable version of an object (4:36)
lifecycle management (3:33)
Enable static web hosting (4:15)
Amazon Glacier part 2 (5:27)
Chapter 4 : AWS Database
AWS database- (8:43)
AWS RDS components (3:15)
AWS RDS interfaces (2:24)
Redis cluster part 2 (1:55)
Dynamo DB components (6:04)
AWS Dynamo DB (4:09)
Connection with SQL (2:49)
Setting up dynamo DB (3:50)
To create redis cluster (5:37)
DB instance state (2:43)
To create RDS instance (5:10)
SQL DB (1:15)
To create My SQL DB (13:12)
AWS Elasticache (5:21)
AWS Elasti cache practical (5:12)
AWS Redshift (4:24)
AWS Redshift management (8:24)
AWS DB instance (3:19)
Chapter 5 : AWS Networking & Content Delivery
AWS networking content delivery (4:41)
AWS VPC components part 1 (5:48)
AWS VPC components part 2 (5:06)
AWS VPC components part 3 (10:01)
AWS VPC components part 4 (8:56)
AWS VPC concepts part 1 (12:42)
AWS VPC concepts part 2 (6:09)
AWS cloud front part 1 (8:21)
AWS cloudfront part 2 (5:33)
AWS cloudfront distributions (3:50)
AWS direct connect (5:18)
AWS direct connect requirements (3:25)
To create EMR cluster (4:55)
AWS route 53 intro (7:57)
AWS route 53 concepts (6:50)
AWS route 53 (3:04)
How to register domain (9:24)
AWS route 53 health checks security (6:29)
Elastic load balancing (9:13)
To create VPC (2:12)
To create a load balancer (3:19)
To create a traffic policy (3:18)
To create hosted zone (3:30)
Auto scaling (3:45)
To create subnet for VPC (4:06)
Chapter 6 : Management Tools
AWS management tools- (4:46)
AWS cloud watch part 1- (7:39)
AWS cloud watch part 2 (5:11)
AWS cloud formation- (11:00)
AWS cloudtrail (5:58)
AWS cloudtrail concepts- (8:35)
AWS Cloudtrail supported services (8:25)
AWS config (7:17)
AWS opsWorks (8:09)
AWS Service catalog (8:40)
AWS managed services (3:38)
AWS trusted advisor (3:23)
Open static web hosting on bucket (2:29)
Elasti cache (5:12)
Amazon SQS (4:32)
Amazon route 53 (3:04)
To publish a message (2:06)
To launch instance (1:51)
Amazon S3 1 (2:03)
Amazon SNS service (4:21)
Amazon S3 demo (1:55)
Amazon S3 part 1 (3:08)
Chapter 7 : Security, Identity & Compliance
AWS Security identity compliance part 1 (6:04)
To create and use IAM role (2:58)
To Create IAM group security (5:58)
To add IAM user (3:12)
IAM policy (2:41)
MFA and sign in- (2:23)
To create IAM group (2:09)
AWS KMS (3:24)
AWS inspector part 1 (4:31)
AWS inspector part 2 (6:20)
AWS certificate manager (7:24)
AWS directory service part 1 (6:35)
AWS directory service part 2 (3:52)
WAF shield (9:17)
Compliance reports (8:31)
To define a role- (2:25)
Chapter 8 : Messaging
AWS messaging (5:05)
AWS SQS (5:05)
AWS SQS practical part 1 (4:32)
AWS SQS practical part 2 (4:20)
AWS SNS part 1 (8:39)
AWS SNS part 2 (5:56)
AWS SNS service (4:21)
To publish a message (2:06)
AWS SNS practical (4:07)
AWS SES (7:21)
Amazon SES practical (5:29)
Chapter 9 : Desktop & App Streaming
Workspaces (7:44)
Workspaces practical (3:53)
App stream 2.0 (7:14)
Amazon App stream 2.0 practical (4:08)
AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate by TELCOMA
Wordpress part 2 (1:07)
To create a wordpress site (7:22)
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AWS Security identity compliance part 1
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