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6G Technology
Introduction to 6G (1:31)
6G requirements (3:31)
6G key enablers (1:22)
6G vision (2:08)
Trends (1:09)
6G history and use cases (2:34)
6G concepts (2:33)
6G new services (2:39)
6G use cases (2:34)
Network security architecture in 6G (2:00)
6G trust networking (1:53)
6G enabling technologies (3:18)
Research challenges in 6G (1:28)
KPI in 6G (1:56)
6G spectrum (2:01)
6G enablers at infrastructure level (2:37)
Critical and Massive MTC towards 6G (3:05)
MTC service classes (1:52)
Holistic MTC network architecture (2:38)
Global massively scalable MTC (1:50)
Building blocks for cMTC (0:50)
Privacy and security for MTC (2:08)
Teach online with
Network security architecture in 6G
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